The team working on the Translation and Translanguaging: investigating linguistic and Cultural transformations in superdiverse wards in four UK cities (TLANG) research project have recently released a new film which focuses on a volleyball coach, Joe Ng, who is also a businessman. In the film he talks about communicating with volleyball players from different global origins. He also emphasizes the importance of creating a common team culture out of apparent cultural differences between individuals. Joe talks about the importance of ‘body language’ as a communicative resource across cultural and linguistic differences.

The Tlang research project is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council and is part of its ‘Translating Cultures’ theme. The 4-year project looks across four cities in the UK and asks how people communicate in increasingly diverse city settings in the 21st Century, and what the implications are for policy and practice in public, private and third sector organisations. The project conducts detailed linguistic ethnographic investigations in business, heritage, sport, and legal settings.