The Institute of Inflammation and Ageing held its inaugural workshop event on Friday 8th April 2016.  The event was hosted and chaired by Institute Director, Professor Janet Lord, (who was recently featured in the BBC programme ‘How To Stay Young’) and Deputy Director, Professor Chris Buckley.  

Image of Professor Alan Silman

The key note lecture at the launch was given by Professor Alan Silman (pictured above) from the University of Oxford.  Professor Silman has a long and distinguished background in rheumatic diseases and considerable experience in helping shape research strategy in medical and health research in his previous role as medical director of Arthritis Research UK.  He was an inspiring plenary speaker.

The launch was also an opportunity for the Institute’s up and coming early career researchers to showcase their work; such as Dr Lisa Hill who recently presented her innovative neuroinflammation research at the Houses of Parliament, and Dr Rahul Mahida who has just been awarded a prestigious Clinical Research Training Fellowship from the Medical Research Council. The remaining lectures were given by senior researchers from the key themes within the Institute, namely: Ageing, Trauma, Rheumatology, Respiratory disease, Neurotrauma and Neuroinflammation, ophthalmology and Critical Care.