In a recent Birmingham Brief article, Dr Simon Dixon considers the flood resilience agenda in light of a government report due to be launched in the coming weeks. He also reflects on the work being done at the University of Birmingham to help inform the wider debate on flood resilience.

'Last winter widespread flooding led to 17,000 properties being damaged - with an estimated £1.3 billion worth of damage caused. With summer over and autumnal weather beginning to make itself felt, thoughts of flooding are back at the forefront of the national agenda.

Despite increasing public awareness of flood risk, and the knowledge that flooding is likely to become more frequent and more severe with climate change, the insurance industry estimates hundreds of thousands of homes in flood risk areas are not protected. A Government report, due to be launched in the coming weeks, will set out a strategy for improving the adoption of property-level flood protection in the UK. At the heart of this strategy is an increased drive towards flood resilience, to complement the more traditional focus on flood defence.'...