Two new books on racism and education include key contributions from CRRE members.

DisCrit book cover

Edited by David Connor, Beth Ferri and Subini Annamma, this ground-breaking collection argues for a new form of inquiry and action, Disability Critical Race Theory (DisCrit), that works at the intersections of racism and ableism in education policy and practice. The collection includes an examination of race, class, gender and dis/ability intersections in English education by David Gillborn and Nicola Rollock. 

'The editors and contributors of DisCrit have changed the game in education. By naming and challenging the politics of ability in education, they have forged new and welcomed ground for the community of critical scholars committed to the larger project of justice in education. This is a must-read for those who witness the realities of urban school systems and are brave enough to do something about it.' David Stovall, Educational Policy Studies and African-American Studies, University of Illinois at Chicago 

Bookcover of The Edge of Race

Edited by Kalervo Gulson, Zeus Leonardo and David Gillborn, this collection uses ‘the edge of race’ as a provocation in order to examine the concepts, methodologies, policies, politics, processes, and practices associated with race and racism in education. Nicola Rollock’s chapter examines the racialized politics of research from inside a major project. David Gillborn looks at the idea of interest-divergence as a way of understanding how and why policy reforms are making race inequities worse.