A special edition of Radio 3’s ‘Words and Music’ will feature performances from six Shakespeare Institute students.

BBC popup studio @ The Other Place

On the theme of ‘Youth and Age’, the programme will be broadcast at 13.00 on Sunday 24th April from the BBC’s popup studio at The Other Place, the RSC venue in Stratford-Upon-Avon of which the University of Birmingham is a founding partner. Richard O’Brien, Daisy Edwards, Emma Filby, Jennifer Waghorn, Charles Morton and Rachel Stewart will perform sonnets and excerpts from plays including King Lear, Two Noble Kinsmen and Henry IV. Members of the public will be able to watch the live broadcast from the foyer of The Other Place which is a key venue in the BBC’s Shakespeare Festival, celebrating the 4000th Shakespeare anniversary.

The Shakespeare Institute also features in Radio 3’s programming on Saturday 23rd, with Professor Michael Dobson taking part in Free Thinking on The Winter’s Tale at 18.30, and Friday 22nd with the broadcast of the Shakespeare Odes concert and a special interval on Shakespeare and Stratford, from 19.30.

The Odes concert is also available via live video link on www.bbc.co.uk/shakespearelives 

[Photo: The BBC Radio 3 Popup Studio at The Other Place]