On Tuesday 23 June the college welcomed 130 Year 10 students from local schools to campus for our annual College of Engineering and Physical Sciences (EPS) Discovery Day. The day is part of a series across the university which allow GCSE pupils to discover the subjects taught and researched at the University of Birmingham. This is particularly relevant for STEM subjects where the pupils' upcoming A Level choices are particularly important.

The day began with a welcome by Professor Mark Simmons who introduced the EPS schools as well as stressing the breadth of careers open to those who study a STEM subject. The rest of the day consisted of interactive workshops provided by college staff and research students. As always the workshop leaders provided interesting and inspiring activities giving the pupils a glimpse of subjects and topics they don't necessarily hear about at school.

School Liaison and Outreach Officer Kat Grover said:

Discovery Day provides an excellent opportunity to inspire young people and promote the many subjects on offer at University of Birmingham in Engineering and Physical Sciences. We hope this taste of life at EPS will inspire students to aim higher and make appropriate choices for their A Levels and beyond.

Many thanks to all those who gave up their time to make this event such a success.