Dr Chris Laoutaris on Newstalk Radio
Dr Chris Laoutaris talked about his new book on The Moncrief Show, Newstalk Radio.
Dr Chris Laoutaris talked about his new book on The Moncrief Show, Newstalk Radio.
Dr Chris Laoutaris talked about his new book Shakespeare and the Countess: The Battle that Gave Birth to the Globe on The Moncrief Show, Newstalk Radio, Dublin, on Monday 19th May at 2:30pm.
Dr Laoutaris, who has already spoken about his book on BBC Radio London and the Australian Broadcasting Corporation's Radio National, alsodiscussed some of his research experiences at a Biographers' Club event in the Swedenborg Hall in London on Tuesday 20th May at 6pm.
For the latter event see the events page at www.biographersclub.co.uk .