One of the exciting things for Jon in this new role is the opportunity to explore more innovative teaching methods, “For me it’s important to recognise that students learn in different ways and that the pressures on them are quite different to those that we faced when we were students; there just weren’t the ‘distractions’ of the internet, social media, new technologies, etc. You can do so much more now from your bedroom than ever before! And so, we need to try new techniques in our teaching; we can just use the same approaches that were used on us. Some will work, some won’t - we need to learn what works. I’m keen to look at things like lecture flipping, more innovative modes of delivery and new ways to interact with the class; for example clickers, a device which enables students to give anonymous feedback during classes and lectures. The important thing is to encourage students to think and engage at the time, in the classroom, this way you can take students deeper than before.”