Two students from the School of EESE have picked up awards at an event organised and sponsored by the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET) Midland Power Group. The event was held in late February at Coventry University.
Five students from Birmingham, all of them 3rd year BEng students from the School of EESE, entered the competition; Jinfeng Li, Yang Yu, Hao Fu, Shen Xiang and Jihong Zhu.
Dr Pietro Tricoli, School of EESE and student supervisor, said; “The students presented the results of their final year project to an audience with many representatives from industry and academia across West Midlands. This was undoubtedly a great opportunity for them to understand a bit what they have to expect after their graduation.”
Of these five, Jinfeng Li and Shen Xiang were both given awards by TRW, an automotive company based in Solihull. Jinfeng’s award was in recognition of his work on motor drives for hybrid electrical vehicles, and Shen’s for his work on hybrid bus powertrain optimisation.
“I believe that all the students skilfully showed the quality of the current research activities undertaken at the School of EESE and I express my congratulations to the winners for their well-deserved award”, added Dr Tricoli.
The event was supported by Amey, Arup, Alstom Grid, GE Energy Converteam, Sulzer Dowding & Mills, Science City Research Alliance, and TRW.
You can read interviews with the two winners below: