My memories of CREES include Tanya pointing out all the Russian grammar I’d been using incorrectly for over a decade (why had nobody told me before then?); sharing the pleasure and pain of writing a PhD with other CREESnik doctoral researchers; laughing until I cried at the CREES conference in Cumberland Lodge (in the bar, not at panel presentations I hasten to add!); teaching modules with colleagues who a few years earlier had been teaching those same modules to me as a student myself; the unique delights of the Staff Bar; the saga of the move from the ERI Building (goodbye 3rd floor and atrium) to the Muirhead Tower (hello 6th floor and views towards Birmingham city centre); discovering the wonders of Belarus on fieldwork and language training; appreciating the benefits of an interdisciplinary approach and the chance to engage with the policy community; a glass or two of the traditional fizzy wine with Dave and Kasia after surviving my viva; having the opportunity to shoehorn Belarus into various modules I’ve taught over the last couple of years as a visiting lecturer; curating the @CREESBham Twitter account; and of course the unstinting help and support of Tricia and Marea who make sure CREES runs smoothly.