Dr Kataryna Wolczuk participated in the high-level Euroatlantic Forum "Ukraine and the EU on the Brink of the New Association Agreement: Free Trade, Energy Security and Democracy" in January 2012 in Kyiv. The Forum was organized by the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and sponsored by a number of international think-tanks. During the Forum much attention was focused on prospects for concluding a new agreement between the EU and Ukraine in the context of political prosecutions of the opposition in Ukraine. While few Ukrainian and EU participants were optimistic about the current prospects, all of them agreed on the fundamental role of agreement for advancing Ukraine’s relations with the EU.

During the Forum Dr Wolczuk gave several interviews to newspapers and agencies, including Den, the Ukrainian daily newspaper. The interview is available at:

two males and a female at a forum desk

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Dr Wolczuk speaking on the panel chaired by Nico Lange, Head of Kyiv office of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung with the former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Borys Tarasiuk.