
Students making clay pots. Credit: UKIERI

British students are taking part in a UK-India study programme this summer to gain firsthand experience of Indian culture, arts, commerce, politics and language.

Organised by the University of Birmingham in Delhi and King’s College London in Mumbai, the Study India Programme 2011 enables 80 UK students to travel to Delhi and Mumbai respectively for a three-week-long visit. The programme includes workshops, language and culture classes, lectures on Indian history, work placements and visits to historic sites.  

As part of the UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI), the Study India Programme is designed to encourage undergraduate students in higher or further education to consider India as a place for further study, work or travel. It provides the opportunity for students to spend time with peers from the University of New Delhi and H. R. College in Mumbai and experience their way of life.

Alice Adshead, a University of Birmingham student who is taking part this year, commented:  “From entering the programme until now it has been a complete whirlwind of excitement. After studying the history of India to have the opportunity to experience so many different aspects of the country will be amazing.”

Marilyn Miles, Head of International Development at the University of Birmingham, said: “For the third year, the University of Birmingham is delighted to facilitate the Study India Programme in Delhi.  In this increasingly globalised economy, it is important for students to experience different countries and cultures to equip them for life after study.  This programme is a beacon for promoting UK-India relations and Birmingham is proud to be a part of it.”

Samantha Tucker, who participated in the 2010 Delhi programme and is returning as a student mentor this year, said: “The Study India Programme offers a wealth of different experiences as we learn to navigate Delhi's culture, workplaces and culinary hubs. The breakdown of the programme was brilliant. We were able to visit cultural spots, see a lightshow in the old part of the city, attend work placements and meet likeminded people -  many of whom I am still in touch with now.”

The Study India Programme 2011 is running from 20 August to 11 September.  For further information, please visit:  

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Catherine Byerley, International Press and PR Officer, University of Birmingham
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