Filming, photography and reprographics in the Barber Fine Art Library

Library users are welcome to take photographs for personal use or academic projects without disturbing other users. 

Use of cameras for private study in the reading rooms

Researchers may bring a hand-held camera to take images in the reading room. Flash, tripods and scanners are not permitted. Some items may not be suitable for copying due to conservation restrictions and copyright legislation. Please check with the member of staff on duty. There is no charge for taking images with your own camera. If images are for anything other than private study, discuss your intended use with a member of staff. 

Filming and photography in the Barber Fine Art Library

The Barber Fine Art Library is a unique and popular setting for filming and photography. Please make a request for permission to film or take photographs before visiting the Library for this purpose. We aim to support most requests, particularly projects that promote our collections and peaceful atmosphere. 

The Library is a working academic library and an as a result we reserve the right to decline requests that might risk disturbing users of the library and other parts of the Barber Institute, or that we consider inconsistent with the aims and character of the Library. 

We can usually only provide access during the following hours subject to staff availability when the reading rooms are closed:

  • Monday - Friday  08:30-09:45
  • Friday 12:45 - 14:00

If you wish to enquire about filming or photography in the Barber Fine Art Library, please contact Susan Worrall, Head of Special Collections with the following information preferably 10 days in advance:

  • A brief outline of the proposed filming or photography, e.g. student project work, University publicity, etc.
  • Date and time of proposed filming
  • Number of cast/crew
  • Potential risks involved and the steps you will take to mitigate these risks
  • How much bulky equipment will you bring into the library

Requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Longer projects that might require repeated access to the library or access to the Barber Institute building outside of its opening normal hours will take longer to consider so please give as much notice as you can.

Please note: Permission to film or take photographs in the Barber Fine Art Library does not constitute permission to film in any other part of the Barber Institute Building, separate permission must be sought from the Barber Institute’s Communications and Marketing Manager - contact

Similarly, permission to film elsewhere in the building does not constitute permission to film or take photographs in the library unless this has already been agreed and confirmed as part of your initial application.

Please abide by our regulations when filming or taking photographs.


Requesting images for personal use only

To submit a request for images for personal use, please complete the online form. If copies are for any reason other than for your own personal use, please use the publication form below.

Requesting images for publication, exhibition and sharing

Requests for images for publication, exhibition, or any other form of sharing (including social media) are reviewed and granted at the discretion of the Director of Special Collections. To submit a request for images for publication, exhibition or sharing, please complete and return the online form.


Please do not send payment with your order. You will receive an invoice setting out the charges and payment details after your copies have been made. Payment to be made by credit/debit card, or PayPal via our online payment system. Your copies will be issued to you on receipt of payment. For charges, please see the Cadbury Research Library's Imaging services.