What to bring

Start planning what you will need to bring with you to study in Dubai. We have put together some suggestions to help you decide what you need.

  • Passport and identification documents - These are best carried in your hand luggage, with copies kept in a separate location in case any of the items get lost or damaged. Make sure you have any important information you might need with you, such as your bank account details and driving licence.
  • Visa information - Make sure you have the correct visa/entry permit to enable you to enter the country. If you are unsure, please contact our student visa services as soon as possible.
  • University documentation - Bring your University offer letter and any other important information you have received.
  • Medical insurance - If you have subscribed to either a travel insurance (strongly recommended until you are covered by the University's plan), or have a valid medical insurance card, please make sure you are aware of the network of providers and how you can contact the insurer should you need to.
  • Medication and medical information - Remember to pack any medications you are currently taking and bring any information you have about the medicines, such as a prescription, or any medical conditions you may have. You will need to be aware of regulations about bringing medicines into the UAE. These regulations are subject to change so you must check before you travel. Find out more from Dubai Customs.
  • Money - Make sure you have some currency available for your initial costs, but avoid carrying large amounts of cash.


  • Your laptop - Most students will want to bring their own laptop computer with them to use for studying, although there are computer facilities available on campus, as well as WiFi access. Remember to keep backup copies of your work. Find out about software you can download as a student.
  • Paper, folders and notebooks - You will need to provide your own stationery, so think about what works best for you in taking notes and studying.


  • Accommodation - If you will be living in student accommodation, you should check what facilities and items are provided for you.
  • Plug adaptors - If you are bringing any electronic items into the country, make sure you have the right plug socket adaptors!
  • Personal items - Whether it's photos or a few small trinkets, bring something to help make your room feel more homely and remind you of family and friends.
  • Phone - Keep in touch with friends (new and old) and family. Do not forget to bring any chargers you will need. Remember to check the costs of international roaming and make any necessary arrangements with your network provider, until you can arrange a local mobile line.
  • Water bottle and travel cup - A reusable water bottle and coffee cup will help reduce plastic waste.