Our spin-out process

The University of Birmingham (UoBE) spin-out offering was reviewed in 2022. The offering has also been considered and updated in light of the findings of the government's Independent Review of Spin-out Companies and TenU's University Spin-out Investment Terms (USIT) Guide, both published in 2023.

The University of Birmingham offering was developed to:

  • be transparent
  • be simple
  • be fair to all parties
  • remove unnecessary fees
  • and most importantly, to accelerate the spin-out process

The spin-out process

UoBE works with our academic innovators from discovery and disclosure, commercial validation, intellectual property protection, through to commercialisation. Not every opportunity will be right for commercialisation but those that are could be licensable to existing companies, might form part of a consultancy service, or in some cases could become the foundation for a new company (or “spin-out”).

Once University of Birmingham Enterprise (UoBE) team members working on the project feel confident there is sufficient commercial proof of concept they will work with the academics (and any relevant external management team members identified) to pull and an investment ready business plan together.

  • During this phase a presentation will be delivered to the UoBE Board. This gives the Board sight of new opportunities and allows them to ask questions and offer advice at an early stage.
  • When the business plan is finalised and the team is ready, UoBE will kick off a formal decision-making process which typically takes no more than one month. A formal paper is provided to the Board seeking a recommendation to take equity in the company. This often happens in parallel with investor discussions so that we are sure that the proposed opportunity is ready and the plan sufficient. The paper is prepared by the UoBE spin-out team and requires initial sponsorship from the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of UoBE, and the relevant Head of College . Provided the spin-out candidate teams clarify any questions arising in a timely manner, it should take no more than two weeks for this paper (with Head of College approval) to be finalised and submitted to the UoBE Board.
  • The Board can review and discuss the paper outside the ordinary schedule of meetings. It will typically be asked to provide any comments within one week. No comments are taken as a positive recommendation to proceed.
  • The final sign-off rests with the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of the University (or the CEO of UoBE, as the CFO’s nominee), who receives the paper and the UoBE Board’s recommendation. These decisions are typically recorded within a couple of days of the recommendation.
  • The CEO of UoBE will usually be the signatory on any resulting agreements signed on behalf of the University of Birmingham.

The University of Birmingham spin-out offering

Strategically relevant IP opportunities (save those that are therapeutic or medical devices)

  • 30% equity for the university, 70% founders
  • No royalties or other licensing fees

Therapeutics and medical device opportunities

IP-light software based opportunities

  • Up to 10% equity for the university, 90% founders
  • Some fees in exceptional cases
  • UoBE also has adopted the principles in the separate University Spin-out Investment Terms (USIT) Software Guide (2024)

Know-how or service based opportunities

  • Up to 10% equity for the university, 90% founders
  • Some fees in exceptional cases
  • Precise deal dependant on know-how being transferred, and/or any other access requirements