
Cutting-edge services and expertise from University researchers

The EnterpriseOD™ programme supports Birmingham academics to set up a commercial entity that operates like a limited company, but with the legal management, insurance and financial management carried out by University of Birmingham Enterprise.

  • Group of diverse people having a meeting

    Operating Divisions

    This innovative commercialisation programme allows researchers to set up an Operating Division (OD), and seek industry customers who receive rapid access to innovations, flexible services and academic expertise.

    ODs receive support from University of Birmingham Enterprise, which expedites back office activity and guidance from our Entrepreneurs-in-Residence, leaving academics free to execute and complete projects in a timely manner.

    This innovative commercialisation programme enables Birmingham academics to do what they do best: innovate.

Rapid, easy access to services and impact

  • The up-front work and investment to get an OD trading is far less than when establishing a new spin-out company, giving customers quick and flexible access to innovations and services.
  • Trading with an OD is easy. Customers get easy access to academic expertise.
  • Academics focus on finessing their ideas, finding customers and perfecting their service model without the distraction or risks of setting up their own company.
  • If an offer is not commercially successful, academics can 'pivot' quickly, or change their idea in their own time.
  • The commercial performance of an OD indicates whether a spin-out company could be created - and provides a trading history for investors.

Current Operating Divisions

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    Case Study: Birmingham Dental & Biomaterial Testing Services

    In the world of dentistry, dental and biomaterials, the market share on products is tight. Credible testing and approval are essential to gain a commercial advantage and Professors Josette Camilleri and Will Palin, supported by University of Birmingham Enterprise, have developed an Operating Division to provide swift support to industry.

    Read more about BiMaTS

Operating Divisions in the news