Cutting-edge services and expertise from University researchers
The EnterpriseOD™ programme supports Birmingham academics to set up a commercial entity that operates like a limited company, but with the legal management, insurance and financial management carried out by University of Birmingham Enterprise.
Rapid, easy access to services and impact
- The up-front work and investment to get an OD trading is far less than when establishing a new spin-out company, giving customers quick and flexible access to innovations and services.
- Trading with an OD is easy. Customers get easy access to academic expertise.
- Academics focus on finessing their ideas, finding customers and perfecting their service model without the distraction or risks of setting up their own company.
- If an offer is not commercially successful, academics can 'pivot' quickly, or change their idea in their own time.
- The commercial performance of an OD indicates whether a spin-out company could be created - and provides a trading history for investors.