Recruiting our postgraduates

At the University of Birmingham, we have a community of over 9,300 postgraduate students who have chosen to take their education to the next level. Due to the dedication, motivation and specialisation that postgraduate study requires, they have a lot to offer your workplace.

What's the difference between a postgraduate and an undergraduate?

Postgraduate courses are designed to challenge students at a high level. As a result, some of the key areas where postgraduates stand out include:

  • Appreciating different viewpoints and ideas
  • Dealing with more complex ideas and problems
  • Original, independent thought
  • Applying learning to different domains or situations
  • Engaging in-depth in a specialist topic
  • Critical research and enquiry skills
  • Wider repertoire of research techniques and methods
  • Self-organisation and self-motivation
  • Seeing things in a larger context, e.g. the context of national policy, law or historical context
  • Excellent data analysis and interpretation skills
  • Skills in project management
  • Self-motivation and drive
  • Experience in disseminating research and conveying complex ideas to audiences
  • Transferable skills and personal qualities including resilience and determination to succeed

These are all qualities that postgraduate courses encourage students to develop and display.