Driving research and innovation

Our world-leading research expertise and facilities cultivate new ideas and opportunities to test cutting-edge technologies

A vital part of a wider ecosystem

Our transformative research expertise and facilities extend far beyond the confines of our campus. We are an integral part of a dynamic research and innovation ecosystem that is pushing boundaries locally and globally.

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    Nurturing successful, high-growth enterprise at Birmingham Research Park

    High spec, purpose-built and fully staffed laboratory and incubation space for young enterprises, spinouts, and technology innovators across a range of areas.

    Access our space

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    Innovation at the heart of our city

    The Exchange is our city centre space to inspire innovation. Home to young entrepreneurs, researchers working at the forefront of place-based research and policy and a space for collaboration.

    Explore The Exchange

Enriching our cultural experience

Our extensive archives and collections encompass historic and contemporary works that span diverse disciplines and eras across the arts and sciences.