Birmingham in action Birmingham in action Our world has many challenges that will deeply affect our generation and the next. By coming together, as a force for change, we can open up education and turn research into action. See the impact your support can make for students and researchers. Read more about the campaign How can I get involved? Alumni Students University staff Employers and corporates Trusts and foundations Individual philanthropists Volunteers Making my will Help spread the word You can help Previous Protect our planet Fulfil lives Drive innovation Help young people learn Deliver healthcare globally Protect our planet Fulfil lives Drive innovation Help young people learn Deliver healthcare globally Protect our planet Fulfil lives Drive innovation Next Thank you to every supporter; see your impact Impact stories How your gift is helping Latest donor news Also in 'Birmingham In Action' About the campaignAll projectsHow can I get involved?VolunteeringShareContact us/feedbackDiscuss a larger giftSupporter care