Global Alumni Gathering 2021

Taking Birmingham to the world!

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To celebrate the anniversary of the University receiving Royal Assent in 1900 we asked our alumni around the world to mark the occasion on or around the 25 May. 

2020 was a year unlike any other. We celebrated with online events and virtual meet-ups. Have a look at our round-up to see what we got up to during this exceptional time.

Events that took place in 2020

Open all sections

Online Events

From Our Garden to Yours: Top tips from Winterbourne
Tuesday 26 May, 13.30-14.00 BST
While you can't admire our wonderful Winterbourne Garden at the moment, we’ll do our best to bring it to you and help you make the most of your own garden or outside space. Join us on the University of Birmingham Facebook page for an exclusive chat with Winterbourne Head Gardener Dan Cartwright, where he’ll be answering your gardening questions and sharing some of his personal top tips.

UoB Alumni Book Club
New for lockdown, The University of Birmingham is pleased to invite you to join our Virtual Alumni Book Club. Alumni will engage with the book club through a private meeting, so registration is essential. Joining is completely free! All you need is a copy of the book to enjoy.

Wednesday 27 May, 13.30-14.30 BST
Join Professor Alexandra Harris to discuss Virginia Woolf's modernist masterpiece, Mrs Dalloway.

Thursday 28 May, 13.30-14.30 BST
Join Dr Ruth Gilligan to discuss contemporary author Evie Wyld's novel, The Bass Rock

Alumni 'MasterMinds' Lockdown Quiz
Until Friday 29 May, 12.00 BST
For those with a competitive streak, this one’s for you! Complete our online quiz on Kahoot. The person that answers the most correct questions in the fastest time will win. Will you be at the top of the leader board? We’ll share the answers and the top three alumni at the end of our Global Alumni celebrations! Our quiz will remain open until 12.00 BST on Friday 29 May 2020.

Why not bring the quiz to your virtual gathering via Zoom? A how-to guide is in the Online Resources below. 

Virtual Gatherings in North America

Friday 22 May
Host: Maria Velissariou (MSc Biochemical Engineering, 1988; DPhil Chemical Engineering, 1992)

New York
Thursday 28 May
Host: Dave Drinkwater (BSc Chemical Engineering, 1987)

Thursday 28 May
Host: James Stamp (BSc Biological Sciences, 1977)

Online Resources for Virtual Gatherings

Download a collection of online resources from the University of Birmingham:

Host an online social gathering in your own region

All our Global Alumni Gathering events are organised by alumni volunteers, so if there isn't an event in your area why not be an organiser? We're looking for alumni who want to get together (albeit via online platforms this year) and help reach out to their local alumni on an online platform of their choosing. We recommend Zoom. Let us know if you'd like to be involved. We've also put together some online resources to help you with your virtual gathering.

Other ways to get involved

  • Follow along on social media, we’ll be sharing updates on Twitter and Facebook and Instagram, use #wearebrumalum 
  • Get together online with your University friends and hold your own mini Global Alumni Gathering! Remember to share your screenshot via email  
  • We want your selfies! Do you have a cherished object or photograph from your University days? Does it have a story to match or take you down memory lane? If so, we'd love to see it and even show it on our Global Alumni Gathering highlights reel. You can email your selfie to the team, or simply post on social media using #wearebrumalum

Please get in touch if you would like further details and support in hosting an event in your area in 2021.