The University of Birmingham Hong Kong Foundation Limited is registered as tax exempt under Section 88 of the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Ordnance. Gifts of HK $100 or above may be claimed for tax deduction purposes.
Donors may claim up to 35% of total assessable income or profits in the tax year. For example, if the assessable income is HK $500,000, after allowable expenses, individuals may claim up to HK $175,000 in approved charitable donations.
Married couples may find it advantageous to file a join assessment, especially if the spouse’s income is less than the primary earner’s tax allowance. A joint assessment will allow individuals to claim the spouse’s unused tax allowances, after the two incomes and allowances are aggregated.
Upon receipt of your donation, we will acknowledge the contribution in writing. It is important that this acknowledgement letter be kept with your tax records for seven years after the date of the donation. The charitable deduction may be void if you are unable to provide this upon request by the Inland Revenue Department.
Please note, this information is provided as a general guideline. We recommend you seek independent, personal, tax advice when preparing your tax return.