What can I study?

Choosing Birmingham for your study abroad experience means you will have access to one of the widest range of courses available at any UK institution. Most of our modules or classes are open to incoming exchange and study abroad students, where you will join British and other International students studying for their degrees. Currently, four colleges are open for incoming students, each housing multiple schools and departments.

Before choosing your modules, please check the most frequently asked questions:

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What does the module selection process look like?

We will send you an email with instructions and the module application form that you will need to fill in before the deadline. You will need to choose up to 12 modules and place them in the order of preference. The College(s) you have applied for will contact you directly to discuss your module selection.

If you are a Postgraduate/Master's student, you will need to contact your college or school directly to arrange module selection.  

How many credits do I need to take?

One semester: 60 UK credits (equivalent to 30 ECTS)

One year: 120 UK credits (equivalent to 60 ECTS)

Most of our modules are worth either 20 or 10 UK credits.

What do different levels such as LC, LI, LH and LM mean? 

LC is certificate level (first year), LI is intermediate level (second year) and LH is honours level (third year) - all undegraduate (UG).  LM is Master level - postgraduate (PG).

Can I take modules from different colleges?

Yes. However, you need to remember that you have to take 40 UK credits from your preferred college and there might be limitations to what you can choose due to different timetables. 

Who can sign my Learning Agreement/Study Plan?

This is relevant to students coming from our European partners.

All incoming students have an allocated academic exchange tutor through their host school, they will be able to sign your Learning Agreement or Study Plan after your modules are confirmed. Some schools might sign it earlier but this is not guaranteed.

You need to send a pdf file to your academic exchange tutor for the signature or do it in person, once you have arrived.

When will I know what modules I am registered for? 

For September intake, modules will be confirmed in September and you will be able to see them on your timetable about a week before your classes start.

For January intake, you can expect your modules to be confirmed and appear on your timetable in the first two weeks of January. 

Can I change my modules?

Yes, in general, once the teaching starts, you will have two weeks* to change your modules.

*Please note that our School of Biosciences only has a one week window due to the timing of the lab practicals.

What if I need to change my preferred college/school?

If it will be necessary, we will transfer you to a different college/school in which you have the majority of your modules.

How can I get my Transcript or Records?

Once your marks are released, your official transcript will be available on Verify within 3-5 working days of your marks being released. 

Please note that you must give your home university access to your UoB academic transcript of records via the Verify system - no hard copies will be posted or electronic copies emailed to home universities.

Your home university must register on the system as a third party to be given access to your academic record.

THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT - you can still use your UoB login details to access Verify after being made a leaver/Alumni of the University of Birmingham.  So, even when you can no longer access your UoB email, you can still use your UoB login details to access Verify. If it doesn't work, try replacing the last bit of your student email with ‘alumni@bham.ac.uk’. 

For more information, please refer to the FAQ link below: 

Secure Documents website: how do I share my degree documents?

If you have any questions regarding your official transcript or Verify – please email securedocuments@contacts.bham.ac.uk – the study abroad team cannot answer these questions.

Module Lists – 2024/25 Academic Year

Please note that not all modules offered at the Univeristy are available to study abroad and exchange students. However, you can use our Programmes and Modules Handbook to check the syllabus for modules that you are interested in taking, make sure that you select the correct academic year. Programmes and Modules - Search (bham.ac.uk). List of modules available for study abroad and exchange students is available below in the drop-down menu.

College of Arts and Law

Modules for study abroad and exchange students

Main fields of study

  • African Studies 
  • Archaeology 
  • Classics 
  • Drama and Theatre Arts 
  • Languages 
  • Film
  • History
  • History of Art
  • Law
  • Liberal Arts
  • Music
  • Natural Sciences
  • Philosophy
  • Theology and Religion

Contact email: calstudyabroad@contacts.bham.ac.uk

If you are a Postgraduate (PG)/Master's student, you will need to contact the college directly to arrange module selection.  

College of Engineering and Physical Sciences

Modules for study abroad and exchange students

Main fields of study

  • Chemical Engineering

UG contact email: ugchemeng@contacts.bham.ac.uk

PG contact email: pgtchemeng@contacts.bham.ac.uk

  • ⁠Chemistry

Contact email: chem-eso@contacts.bham.ac.uk

  • ⁠Computer Science

Contact email: csoffice@contacts.bham.ac.uk 

  • ⁠Engineering

UG contact email: engineeringsupport-ug@contacts.bham.ac.uk

PG contact email: engineeringsupport-msc@contacts.bham.ac.uk

  • ⁠Mathematics

Contact email: mat-phys-admin@contacts.bham.ac.uk 

  • Metallurgy and Materials 

Contact email: metmat-eso@contacts.bham.ac.uk

  • ⁠Physics and Astronomy

Please note one-semester students joining us in September will not be able to take courses from Physics and Astornomy. They are only available for full-year and Spring semester students.

Contact email: mat-phys-admin@contacts.bham.ac.uk 

If you are a Postgraduate (PG)/Master's student, you will need to contact the college directly to arrange module selection. 

College of Life and Environmental Sciences

College of Social Sciences

School of Business

UG contact email: bbs.ugexchanges@contacts.bham.ac.uk

PG contact email: bbs-mscuk@contacts.bham.ac.uk

School of Education

UG contact email: ug-education@contacts.bham.ac.uk

PG contact email: maeducation@contacts.bham.ac.uk

School of Government

UG contact email: polsisyearabroad@contacts.bham.ac.uk

PG contact email: polsis.pgt@contacts.bham.ac.uk

School of Social Policy

UG contact email: ug-sp-soc-crim@contacts.bham.ac.uk

PG contact email: socialpolicy-postgraduate@contacts.bham.ac.uk

If you are a Postgraduate (PG)/Master's student, you will need to contact the college directly to arrange module selection.  


Every effort is made to ensure that the module information contained through the School links above is as up-to-date and as accurate as possible at the time of publication. However, please note that we are unable to guarantee availability in any of the modules listed herein. The University reserves the right, without notice or liability, to withdraw or alter module information subject to teaching restrictions, insufficient demand, or any other exceptional circumstance.