Professor Anthony Beech DPhil FBPsS

Professor Anthony Beech

School of Psychology
Professor (Emeritus) in Criminological Psychology

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Professor Emeritus Anthony Beech was the Head of the Centre for Applied Psychology at the University of Birmingham, UK,. He set-up both the HCPC and BPS accredited Forensic and Forensic-Clinical Doctorates. In 2009 he was awarded the significant achievement awards both from British Psychological Society and the U.S. Association for the Treatment and Prevention of Sexual Abuse (ATSA).

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Professor Emeritus Anthony Beech was the Head of the Centre for Applied Psychology at the University of Birmingham, UK, until retirement in 2017. He set-up both the HCPC and BPS accredited Forensic and Forensic-Clinical Doctorates (the first of its kind in the UK) at the University of Birmingham. 

In 2009 he was awarded the significant achievement awards both from British Psychological Society and the U.S. Association for the Treatment and Prevention of Sexual Abuse (ATSA). 

He maintains active research interest, and has authored over 200 peer-reviewed articles, 60 book chapters and 11 books in the area of forensic science/criminal justice.

Hi current H-index a measure of research impact is 61 on Research Gate, and 79 on Google Scholar.


I regularly contribute to the ForenPsyD and ClinForenPsyD programmes at the University of Birmingham, and also teach at Liverpool and Birmingham City universities. I have honorary professorships at the University of Kent and UClan Cyprus where I also have an input.


His particular areas of research interests are: risk assessment of criminals; the neurobiological bases of offending; reducing online exploitation of children; and increasing psychotherapeutic effectiveness of treatment given to offenders.

Other activities

  • Member of the Conference Organizing for the New Directions for Sex Offender Assessment/Treatment Annual Conference (2014- ongoing)
  • Visiting Professor, UCLan Cyprus (2021 – to date )
  • Consultant to The UD Navy Sex Offender Treatment Program (2019-2023)
  • Accreditation of Forensic Programmes Universidade Lusófona Porto, Portugal (September 2019)
  • Journal of Criminal Psychology: Editorial BoardLegal and Criminological Psychology: Editorial Board
  • Psychology, Crime and the Law: Editorial Board
  • The Journal of Aggression, Conflict and Peace Studies: Editorial Board
  • Consultant to Barnardo Better Futures Taith Project (2019 – 2021)