Professor Heather Marquette

Professor Heather Marquette

International Development Department
Professor of Development Politics

Contact details

IDD - School of Government
Muirhead Tower
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Heather Marquette  is Professor of Development Politics and is currently seconded part-time to DFID’s Research & Evidence Division as Senior Research Fellow (Governance and Conflict).

Heather’s research - which has been funded by the British Academy/Global Challenges Research Fund, DFID, DFAT and the EU - focuses on corruption and anti-corruption interventions, the politics of aid and, increasingly, serious organised crime. Heather has also been a major voice in evolving debates on ‘thinking and working politically’ and is a founding Steering Committee member of the global Thinking and Working Politically Community of Practice

She is an Expert Member of the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime’s expert network, a Fellow with the University’s Institute of Global Innovation’s research cluster on Twenty-First Century Transnational Organised Crime and a member of the Centre for Crime, Justice and Policing. From 2013-2017, she was Director of the Developmental Leadership Program, a major research centre and policy initiative funded by the Australian Department for Foreign Affairs & Trade that examines the political processes that underpin development goal, as well as Director of the Governance & Social Development Resources Centre, a multi-donor funded centre that helps to translate research into policy-relevant outputs for greater uptake.

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  • PhD: 1998-2002 University of Durham, Department of Politics.
  • MA: 1997-1998 University of Durham, Department of Politics. MA, International Studies.
  • BSc: 1989-1997 Franklin Pierce University, Department of Business Administration. BSc, International Business.


Corruption & Political Economy Analysis
Transparency & Accountability in Fragile States

Heather joined IDD in 2002. Previously, she lectured in IR, IPE and development in the Department of Politics, University of Durham, where she did her PhD on the World Bank's anti-corruption programme. Prior to this, Heather worked in international trade finance in the United States.

Heather was the Director of Research (and subsequently Director) the Developmental Leadership Program between 2014-18.

Other activities

  • Senior Research Fellow (Governance & Conflict), Research & Evidence Division, Department for International Development (DFID) – part-time secondment (2017-)
  • Expert Network Member, Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime (2019-)
  • Member, Executive Sessions on the Politics of the Extractives Sector, Columbia University (2018-)
  • Advisor, Tufts University Corruption, Behaviour and Social Norms Research Programme (2019-)
  • Fellow, Institute for Global Innovation, University of Birmingham (Research Cluster: 21st Century Transnational Crime) (2018-)
  • Member, Centre for Crime, Justice & Policing, University of Birmingham (2018-)
  • Steering Committee, Thinking & Working Politically Community of Practice (2013-)
  • Editorial Board Member Journal of Global Ethics, International Journal of Public Administration


Books and Chapters

In press:

Marquette, H (Forthcoming, 2013) ‘Ethics, Religion and Corruption’ in Routledge Handbook of Political Corruption, ed. Paul Heywood, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.


Marquette, H (2013) ‘Corruption, Religion and Moral Development in Developing Countries’ in Handbook of Research on Development and Religion, ed. Matthew Clarke, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Marquette, H (2003) Corruption, Politics and Development: The Role of the World Bank, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Edited collections

Marquette, H and Beswick, D (November 2011) ‘State-building, Security and Development: State-building as a new development paradigm?’ Guest Editors for Special Issue of Third World Quarterly 32(10).

Peer Reviewed Articles

 In press:

Marquette, H, Pavarala, V & Malik, K (revise and resubmit) ‘Religion and Attitudes Towards Corruption in India: Making God a Stakeholder in Corruption?’, Development in Practice.

Marquette, H, Scott, Z & Mcloughlin, C ( 2012) ‘Marrying Fragile States and Aid Policy: Civil Partnership or Irreconcilable Differences?’, Crime, Law & Social Change, available online first at

Marquette, H (2012) ‘”Finding God” or “Moral Disengagement” in the Fight Against Corruption in Developing Countries? Evidence from India and Nigeria’, Public Administration and Development, 32(1): 11-26.

Marquette, H (2011) ‘Donors, State-building and Corruption: Lessons from Afghanistan and the Implications for Aid Policy’ Third World Quarterly 32(10): 1871-1890.

Marquette, H and Beswick, D (2011) ‘Introduction: State-building, Security and Development: State-building as a new development paradigm?’ Third World Quarterly 32(10): 1703-1714.

Marquette, H (2007) ‘The World Bank’s Fight Against Corruption’, Brown Journal of World Affairs, XIII(II): 27-39.

Marquette, H (2007) ‘Civic Education for Combating Corruption: Lessons from Hong Kong and the United States for Donor-Funded Programmes in Poor Countries’, Public Administration and Development, 27(3): 239-49.

Marquette, H and Doig, A (2005) ‘The UK, the Commonwealth and Corruption: Assessing the Potential for Joined-Up Development Assistance’, Commonwealth & Comparative Politics, 43(1): 102-128.

Marquette, H and Doig, A (2005) ‘Corruption and Democratisation: the litmus test of international donor agency intentions?’, Futures, 37: 199-213.

Marquette, H (2004) 'The Creeping Politicisation of the World Bank: The Case of Corruption', Political Studies, 52(3): 413-30.

Marquette, H and Doig, A (2004) ‘Drilling Down to the Detail: A Case Study into Anti-Corruption Project Records and Record-Keeping’, Crime, Law & Social Change, 41: 1-14.

Marquette, H and Mineshima, D (2002) 'Civic Education in the United States: Lessons for the UK', Parliamentary Affairs, 55: 539-555.

Marquette, H (2001) 'Corruption, Democracy and the World Bank', Crime, Law & Social Change, 36(4): 395-407.

Marquette, H (1999) 'Corruption Eruption: Development and the International Community (feature review)', Third World Quarterly, 20(6): pp. 1215-1220.

Other publications

Marquette, H and Fisher, J (2016). ”Empowered patient” or “doctor knows best”? Political economy analysis and ownership', Development in Practice, 26(1): 115-126, 2016.

Marquette, H, Dasandi, N and Robinson, M (2016). ‘Thinking and Working Politically: From theory building to building an evidence base’, DLP Research Paper, 37, available at  

Marquette, H and Peiffer, C (2015). ‘Theoretical (Mis)understanding? Applying Principal-Agent and Collective Action Theories to the Problem of Corruption in Systematically Corrupt Countries’, Ethics in Public Policy and Management, ed. Alan Lawton, Zeger van der Wal & Leo Huberts, London: Routledge. 

Marquette, H and Cooley, L (2015). ‘Corruption and Post-Conflict Reconstruction’, Handbook of International Security and Development, ed. Paul Jackson, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 

Marquette, H, Hudson, D and Waldock, S (2016). ‘Everyday Political Analysis’, DLP Research Paper, available at

Marquette, H and Hudson, D (2015). ‘Mind the Gaps: What’s missing in political economy analysis and why it matters’, A Governance Practitioner’s Notebook: Alternative Ideas and Approaches, ed. Alan Whaites, Eduardo Gonzalez, Sara Fyson & Graham Teskey, Paris: OECD, available at

Marquette, H and Peiffer, C (2015). ‘Corruption and Collective Action’, DLP Research Paper 32, available at

Marquette, H (2014). ‘Communication in anti-corruption work: Articulating messages to structure a communications plan’, OECD-DAC, November 2014, available at

Marquette, H, O’Keefe, M, Sidel, J,  Roche, C, Hudson, D and Dasandi, N (2014). ‘Using Action Research and Learning for Politically Informed Programming’, DLP Research Paper 29, available at

Marquette, H and Fisher, J (2014). ‘Donors Understanding Governance and Corruption Through Political Economy Analysis: From Process to Product (and back again?)’, DLP Research Paper 28, available at

Marquette, H (2012). ‘Building Integrity in Fragile Contexts’, IDD Policy Brief No. 02/12, March, available at

 Marquette, H & Rao, S (2012). ‘Corruption Indicators in Performance Assessment Frameworks (PAFs) for Budget Support’, U4 Issues Paper, available at

Marquette, H, Flanary, R, Rao, S & Morris, D (2011) Supporting Anti-Corruption Reform in Partner Countries: Concepts, Tools and Areas for Action, EuropeAid Tools & Methods Series Concept Note No. 2, available at 

Marquette, H (2010) ‘Whither Morality? “Finding God” in the Fight Against Corruption’, RaD Working Paper No. 41, available at

Marquette, H (2010) ‘Corruption, Religion and Moral Development’, RaD Working Paper No. 42, available at

Marquette, H (2010) Zweierlei Maß, Welt-Sichten, September.

Marquette, H, Amis, P, Kanyinga, K and Beswick, D (2008) ‘Strategic Governance and Anti-Corruption Analysis: Kenya', Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs/ODI.

Marquette, H, Singh, G and Al-hassan Alolo, N (2007) ‘Political Science, Religion and Development: A Literature Review’, RaD Working Paper 07, available at

Marquette, H (2004) ‘Changing Concepts of Donor Anti-Corruption Programming: From Single-Focus to “Multi-pronged” Approaches’, Local Government Brief, Spring: 3-11.

Marquette, H and Jackson, P (2003) ‘The Interaction Between Traditional Systems and Local Government Systems in Sub-Saharan Africa: An Annotated Bibliography’, with Paul Jackson, UK Department for International Development (DfID), September, available at

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Corruption, state-building and good governance in developing countries; aid and aid policy; religion and corruption; political development; donor agencies' approaches to anti-corruption reform

Alternative contact number available for this expert: contact the press office


Governance, Development and Foreign Policy

Professor Heather Marquette has advised governments and policy organisations around the world since 1999. This includes, for example, the UK’s Department for International Development (where Heather is currently seconded part-time), as well as the Foreign & Commonwealth Office, the Home Office, the National Crime Agency, the Stabilisation Unit, the Cabinet Office and several embassies/DFID country offices. Outside the UK, this includes the World Bank, Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, United Nations Development Programme, European Commission, OECD Development Assistance Committee, the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Global Integrity, Open Government Partnership, Transparency International, the World Wildlife Fund and many others.

In 2018, Heather was nominated for the University of Birmingham Founders’ Award for Policy Advancement and was award the School of Government Prize for Policy Advancement.

Since 2007, she has led several large, policy-relevant research projects and programmes totally over £9 million.

Her areas of expertise include corruption, anti-corruption, aid policy, development, organised crime, illicit financial flows and evidence-into-policy.