Recent publications
Pykett, J 2024, QuickStart guide: Building a community-policy-research ecosystem.
Pykett, J 2023, Neighbourhood Futures: The role of community festivals in connecting communities for wellbeing and sustainability.
Pykett, J, Absalom, H & Esposito, G 2023, Tales from the Red Shed: A collection of poems developed at Birmingham's Neighbourhood Futures Festival .
Pykett, J & Harewood, C 2023, Urban Wellbeing Futures Stories.
Pykett, J, Boelman, V, Morgan, J, Saunders, C, Campbell, N & IMH Youth Advisory Group 2023, Youth leadership for urban wellbeing: Supporting youth leaders to shape urban wellbeing: place-based approaches .
Kotouza, D, Pickersgill, M, Pykett, J & Williamson, B 2025, 'Attention as an object of knowledge, intervention and valorisation: exploring data-driven neurotechnologies and imaginaries of intensified learning ', Critical Studies in Education.
Williamson, B, Valladeres Celis, C, Sriprakash, A, Pykett, J & Facer, K 2024, 'Algorithmic futuring: predictive infrastructures of valuation and investment in the assetization of edtech', Learning, Media and Technology.
Williamson, B, Kotouza, D, Pickersgill, M & Pykett, J 2024, 'Infrastructuring Educational Genomics: Associations, Architectures, and Apparatuses', Postdigital Science and Education.
Sriprakash, A, Williamson, B, Facer, K, Pykett, J & Valladares Celis, C 2024, 'Sociodigital futures of education: reparations, sovereignty, care, and democratisation', Oxford Review of Education.
Improving Your Local Area Citizen Scientists and Community Stakeholders 2023, 'Employing citizen science to enhance active and healthy ageing in urban environments', Health and Place, vol. 79, 102954.
Pykett, J, Ball, S, Dingwall, R, Lepenies, R, Sommer, T, Strassheim, H & Wenzel, L 2023, 'Ethical moments and institutional expertise in UK Government COVID-19 pandemic policy responses: where, when and how is ethical advice sought?', Evidence and Policy, vol. 19, no. 2, pp. 236–255.
Singh, S, Pykett, J, Kraftl, P, Guisse, A, Hodgson, E, Humelnicu, UE, Keen, N, Kéïta, S, McNaney, N, Menzel, A, N’dri, K, N’goran, KJ, Oldknow, G, Tiéné, R & Weightman, W 2023, 'Understanding the ‘degree awarding gap’ in geography, planning, geology and environmental sciences in UK higher education through peer research', Journal of Geography in Higher Education, vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 227-247.
Other report
Pykett, J, Facer, K & Jones, V 2025, Immersive learning at Sparks, Bristol: Research and analysis report for Global Goals Centre, July 2024. Centre for Sociodigital Futures.
Pykett, J & Drummond, S 2024, Urban Wellbeing in Policy: Building a relational community-policy-research ecosystem. University of Birmingham.
Review article
Members of the Institute for Mental Health Youth Advisory Group 2023, 'Urban precarity and youth mental health: an interpretive scoping review of emerging approaches', Social Science and Medicine, vol. 320, 115619.
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