Recent publications
Wright, G 2019, The Restoration transposed: Poetry, place and literary history, 1660-1700. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
Wright, G & Coolahan, M-L (eds) 2018, Katherine Philips: Form, Reception and Literary Contexts. Historical Women's Writing, Routledge, London.
Wright, G 2025, 'Aphra Behn, Anne Wharton, and the Remaking of Rochester’s Reputation', The Review of English Studies.
Wright, G 2024, 'Abraham Cowley's Sex Libri Plantarum and the "J.O." conundrum', Restoration.
Wright, G 2020, 'Aphra Behn and Bishop Burnet', The Library, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 235–239.
Chapter (peer-reviewed)
Wright, G 2025, 'For the Bays Designed': Waller, Cowley, Philips. in S Zwicker & M Augustine (eds), The Oxford Handbook of Restoration Literature. 1 edn, Oxford Handbooks, Oxford University Press, Oxford. <>
Wright, G 2022, Mary Sidney Herbert, Countess of Pembroke. in C Bates & P Cheney (eds), The Oxford History of Poetry in English: Sixteenth-Century British Poetry. vol. 4, Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 569-583.
Wright, G 2024, Nature in Cowley. in P Hammond & A Hadfield (eds), Words at War: The Contested Language of the English Civil War. Proceedings of the British Academy, British Academy, London, pp. 145-157. <>
Wright, G 2022, In Praise of Mr. Waller. in P Major (ed.), Edmund Waller (1606-1687): New Perspectives. 1 edn, Brill, Leiden, pp. 224-249.
Wright, G 2020, Aphra Behn's 'Oenone to Paris', John Dryden, and the Ovidian Complaint in Restoration Literary Culture. in SCE Ross & R Smith (eds), Early Modern Women's Complaint: Gender, Form, and Politics. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 205-223.
Wright, G 2019, Fable and allegory. in The Oxford Handbook of Eighteenth-Century Satire. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Other contribution
Challinor, J & Wright, G (eds) 2019, Katherine Philips: Oxford Bibliographies Online: Renaissance and Reformation.. <>
Special issue
Wright, G & Taylor, K 2016, 'A computational approach to the poetry of Katherine Philips', Women's Writing.
Wright, G & Coolahan, M-L 2016, 'Introduction', Women's Writing, vol. 23, pp. 423-4.
Wright, G & Coolahan, M-L 2016, 'Introduction', Women's Writing.
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