I have research interests and extensive publications in medieval manuscript production and use; textual cultures of the medieval period; histories and pedagogies of literacy; early printed broadsides and pamphlets; radical, polemical, and satirical writing, c.1100 - c.1550; relations between medieval literature and law, politics, and religion; Langland; Lollardy. I have also contributed to the advancement of scholarly and public understanding of medieval manuscripts. I benefited from a Leverhulme Trust Major Research Fellowship for the project Crafting English Letters: A Theory of Medieval Scribal Practice.
Research groups
I contribute to the Medieval and Early Modern research themes in the Department of English Literature, and the Centre for the Study of the Middle Ages. Beyond the University of Birmingham, I am a member of the Medieval Manuscripts Research Consortium (an inter-university network that supports those with funded research projects and sponsors the PhD training programme Quadrivium), a partner in the Manuscripts Online project, and an Affiliate of the Angus McIntosh Centre for Historical Linguistics at the University of Edinburgh. I am also a key collaborator in the Early Modern Graphic Literacies (EModGraL) Project, led by Matti Peikola, funded by the University of Turku and the Academy of Finland, 2021-25; and a participant in the Medieval News and News Cultures in the Middle Ages project led by Helen Birkett, University of Exeter, funded by a Leverhulme Trust Small Research Grant, 2019-21.
Research funding
I acknowledge the generous support of the following research funders: Arts and Humanities Research Council (Resource Enhancement Scheme (two awards); Research Leave Scheme; and Collaborative National-Scale PhD Training Programme); British Academy (Postdoctoral Fellowships); European Science Foundation (Exploratory Workshops Programme); JISC (e-Content Capital Programme); and the Leverhulme Trust (Research Fellowships and Major Research Fellowships Schemes).