Professor Kamel Hawwash BSc(Hons), MSc, MAPM, FHEA

Professor Kamel Hawwash

Department of Civil Engineering
Convenor of MSc Programme in Construction Management

Contact details

School of Civil Engineering
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Kamel Hawwash is Professor in the School of Civil Engineering and Immediate Past President of the European Society for Engineering Education, SEFI. He is the Convenor of the long-established MSc Construction Management Programme. He was Head of the School of Civil Engineering from 2008 to 2011. Between 2009 and 2012 he was the Regional Director for the Midlands and East Anglia for the National HE STEM Programme.

Professor Hawwash is past Chair of the Association of Civil Engineering Departments, and member of the Engineering Education, Employability and Skills sub-committee of the Engineering Professors’ Council and Associate of the Engineering Council, UK.

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  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
  • Member of the Association of Project Management
  • MSc in Civil Engineering, UMIST, 1987
  • BSc (Hons) in Civil Engineering, UMIST, 1985


Kamel is immediate past President of the European Society for Engineering Education, SEFI and past Chair of the Association of Civil Engineering Departments and a former member of the Committee of the Engineering Professors’ Council in the UK. He is an Associate of the Engineering Council, UK. Kamel is a member of the Engineering Education, Employability and Skills sub-committee of the Engineering Professors’ Council and Associate of the Engineering Council, UK.


  • MSc Construction Management, Individual Project, Group Working in the Construction Industry, Infrastructure Development Planning, Finance and Core Skills
  • MEng Research Projects, Industrial Projects 1 and 2.

Other activities

• Chair of the Engineering Skills working group of SEFI
• Immediate past President of SEFI and member of the Board of Directors and Steering Committee
• Member of the EEES sub-Committee of the Engineering Professors’ Council
• Associate of the Engineering Council (2010-)


1. Lead with Murphy, M and Vigild, M on the SEFI Position paper on ‘Developing Graduate Skills’, September 2015.
2. with Katzis K. And Dimopoulos C. “Career Advising in Cypriot High Schools”, Conference Proceedings of SEFI 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece 23-26 September 2012
3. with Illingsworth, J. “The Birmingham Grand Challenge Project: Enhancing Student Employability Skills across the STEM Disciplines” Conference Proceedings of SEFI 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece 23-26 September 2012
4. Atkinson, H. Et al Unemployment of Engineering Graduates: the Key Issues (Final report, National HE STEM Programme,, 2012
5. with Katzis K. and Dimopoulos C. “Attracting Students to Engineering Education Studies: A Survey of Practices” Conference Proceedings of SEFI 2011, Lisbon, Portugal 26-28 September 2011
6. With Augusti, G et al “Reengineering Engineering Education in Europe”, 2007, Firenze University Press
7. with K M Al-Saqer and A A Shash “Issues in Managing the Planning Phase of Public Sector projects in Saudi Arabia” Proceedings of Congress 2000 the 15th IPMA World Congress on Project management. Royal Lancaster Hotel, London, England, 22-25 May 2000
8. “Towards Improved Management of Building Renewal Projects” Conference Proceedings of Inter Build’ 99, Sixth International Conference for Building and Construction, June 26-30
9. with Barnes, M. (1997) “The Potential for Adopting the NEC’s Family of Contracts on PFI Projects” Engineering Construction and Architectural Management, 4(3), Blackwell Scientific. pp 203 - 214
10. with Ezulike, E. and Perry, J.G. (1997) “The Barriers to Entry into the PFI Market.” Engineering Construction and Architecural Management, 4(3), Blackwell Scientific. pp 179 - 194
11. with Tricklebank, B P “The Role of Partnering in the Successful Delivery of Construction Projects in the UK” Conference Proceedings of Inter Build 97, Fourth International Conference for Building and Construction, June 26 - 31 Cairo, Egypt, pp 691 - 701. Arabian Group for Development
12. Completion Report on Visit to Centre of Excellence in Water Resources Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan. For Overseas Development Administration, January, 1997.
13. The Momentum for Change in the UK Construction Industry Workshop entitled “Issues in Managing Construction Projects in Pakistan” 4 January, 1997 Lahore, Pakistan
14. Completion Report on the delivery of a training module entitled ‘Introduction to Project Management to the Sierra Leone Roads Authority in Freetown, Sierra Leone, July 8 - 12, 1996. For Overseas Development Administration
15. with Wang W and Perry, JG “ Contract Type Selector CTS: A KBS for Training Young Engineers. International Journal of Project Management, Vol 14 No. 2 April, 1996 pp 95-102
16. Completion Report on Visit to Centre of Excellence in Water Resources Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan. For Overseas Development Administration, April, 1996
17. Completion Report on “Highway Project Management Seminar”, Yerevan, Armenia, 24-28 July, 1995. For the World Bank.
18. with Perry, J G “Construction Project Procurement: Recent Developments in UK Thinking.” Inter Build 95, Second International Conference for Building and Construction, June 22 - 25 Cairo, Egypt, pp 53 - 62. Tahrir Press
19. Report on Visit to Centre of Excellence in Water Resources Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan. For Overseas Development Administration, January, 1995.
20. with Perry J G, Hoare DJ and Seymour D “A Guide to the Management of Building Refurbishment”, CIRIA Report 133, 1994
21. Students Learning to Manage by Managing Other Students, Conference Proceedings, 'Engineering our Future' 19-20 July, 1993, University of Brighton with Seymour, DE

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