Paul Garwood BA, MSc

Paul Garwood

Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology
Senior Lecturer in Prehistory

Contact details

Arts Building
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

I use archaeological and anthropological perspectives to explore prehistoric social life and cultural expression, focussing on the Neolithic and Bronze Age of Britain and north-west Europe.  My main areas of interest are funerary practices, ritual, monumental architecture, material culture, personhood and landscape, with a strong commitment to fieldwork as a means to investigate prehistoric cultural worlds, including current work on the Medway megalithic monuments and in the Stonehenge landscape.

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  • BA Archaeology
  • MSc Social Anthropology
  • PG Cert Learning & Teaching in Higher Education


I gained my BA at the Institute of Archaeology in London, and my MSc in Social Anthropology at University College London. My early career was in professional archaeology, with fieldwork, post-excavation and publication posts in Sussex, Lincolnshire, London, Oxford, and with the Central Excavation Unit. I started doctoral research at the University of Oxford in 1987 and continued with this episodically while working as a field archaeologist, before securing academic posts first as College Lecturer at Keble College and at Hertford College, Oxford (from 1994) and later as University Lecturer at Oxford University (teaching both archaeology and anthropology). I was appointed Lecturer in Prehistory at the University of Birmingham in 1999.

My research focuses on Neolithic and Bronze Age funerary practices, ritual, material culture, monumental architecture and cosmography in Britain and north-west Europe. A pervasive feature of my work is the use of anthropological perspectives to explore the ‘lived’ nature and diversity of past cultural worlds and social agency at several different scales. I have recently completed a series of regional interpretative syntheses of the evidence from the West Midlands, the Upper and Middle Thames Valley, Wessex and South-East England, including the Channel Tunnel Rail Link. I have also recently published studies of Early Bronze Age burials, monuments, children in funerary ritual, and archaeological approaches to the study of rites of passage. I’m currently engaged in research projects on funerary dress, Wessex ‘rich graves’, the Stonehenge landscape, and Beaker graves in Britain and north-west Europe. Fieldwork continues to be an especially productive and rewarding aspect of my research, including direction of the Wolvey prehistoric landscapes project, participation in the Stonehenge Riverside Project (the Palisade Field excavations, with Josh Pollard) and I’m currently engaged in landscape research projects in the Medway Valley and around Stonehenge


I teach undergraduate and postgraduate courses on British and European prehistory, field archaeology, material culture, landscape archaeology, death and burial, complex societies, and ritual and religion, and I run field training courses for undergraduates and postgraduates.

Postgraduate supervision

I welcome research proposals relating to any of my areas of research interest, especially funerary archaeology, ritual, landscape, and material culture, and I’m happy to discuss potential topics at any time. My recent postgraduate supervision includes:

Prehistoric landscapes of the South Pennines (PhD, completion 2015)
Food Vessels in Early Bronze Age Britain (AHRC-funded; PhD, completion 2012)
Lithic technologies in the Neolithic of northern Italy (PhD, completion 2012)
Space and architecture in the British Neolithic (PhD, completion 2011)
Grooved Ware in the Thames Valley landscape (M Phil, completion 2011)
Prehistoric settlement in the Welsh Marches (PhD, completion 2011)
Neolithic tor enclosures in south-west Britain (AHRC-funded; PhD, awarded 2010)
Regional narratives of the Early Bronze Age (AHRC-funded; M Phil, awarded 2009)
Round barrows in the Wylye valley, Wiltshire (M Phil, awarded 2009)
Animal remains from early Neolithic mortuary sites (M Phil, awarded 2008)
Timber halls of the British Early Neolithic (M Phil, awarded 2006)
Middle Bronze Age ‘houses’ in Britain and Ireland (M Phil, awarded 2005)

Find out more - our PhD Classics and Ancient History  page has information about doctoral research at the University of Birmingham.


My principal areas of research, focussed on north-west European and British prehistory, are:

  • The archaeology and anthropology of funerary practices
  • The archaeology and anthropology of ritual
  • Landscape, monumental architecture and cosmography
  • Chronology and cultural and social change
  • Temporal and spatial structuring of prehistoric social life
  • Identity and personhood
  • Time and history in prehistory

In recent years, much of my research has been concerned with large-scale fieldwork and regional publication projects in Britain, including:

Current field projects

Medway Valley Prehistoric Landscapes Project. Project director of five-year field project (2008-2012) exploring the Medway megalithic monuments and other Neolithic and Bronze Age sites in their landscape context. 
Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes Project. I am one of the principal investigators contributing to the Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes project led by the IAA and the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, Vienna. This involves a four-year large-scale geophysical and remote sensing survey (2010-2013) of the Stonehenge environs and reinterpretation of the monuments and landscapes of the World Heritage Site.

Current major publication projects

Channel Tunnel Rail Link (CTRL) Section 1: Early prehistory: Author of the earlier prehistory chapter of the project monograph, synthesizing and interpreting the evidence from the single largest archaeological fieldwork project undertaken in the UK. Publication in 2011/12.
South-East Regional Framework: Neolithic and Early Bronze Age. Author of the resource assessment and research agenda chapter for south-east England. Publication in 2012.

Other activities

  • Ancient History, Classics and Archaeology Postgraduate Admissions Officer
  • AHCAManager of Postgraduate Programmes in Archaeology
  • External examiner for the University of Bradford
  • Reviewer for various journals, such as the Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society
  • Member of the Rothewas Ribbon Advisory Panel


Recent publications


Garwood, P 2013, Beaker Burials in Britain and North-West Europe 2600 - 1800BC: An Ethnography of Death and Identity. Routledge. <>

Garwood, P, Booth, P, Champion, T, Foreman, S, Glass, H, Munby, J & Reynolds, A 2012, On Track: The Archaeology of High Speed 1 Section 1 in Kent. Oxford Wessex Archaeology Monographs, vol. 4, Oxbow. <>


De Smedt, P, Garwood, P, Chapman, H, Deforce, K, De Grave, J, Hanssens, D & Vandenberghe, D 2022, 'Novel insights into prehistoric land use at Stonehenge by combining electromagnetic and invasive methods with a semi-automated interpretation scheme', Journal of Archaeological Science, vol. 143, 105557.

Gaffney, V, Baldwin, E, Bates, M, Bates, CR, Gaffney, C, Hamilton, D, Kinnaird, T, Neubauer, W, Yorston, R, Allaby, R, Chapman, H, Garwood, P, Löcker, K, Hinterleitner, A, Sparrow, T, Trinks, I, Wallner, M & Leivers, M 2020, 'A massive, late Neolithic pit structure associated with Durrington Walls henge', Internet Archaeology, vol. 55, 4.

Gaffney, V, Neubauer, W, Garwood, P, Gaffney, C, Löcker, K, Bates, R, De Smedt, P, Baldwin, E, Chapman, H, Hinterlietner, A, Wallner, M, Nau, E, Filzwieser, R, Kainz, J, Trausmuth, T, Schneidhofer, P, Zotti, G, Lugmayer, A, Trinks, I & Corkum, A 2018, 'Durrington Walls and the Stonehenge Hidden Landscape Project 2010-2016', Archaeological Prospection, vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 255-269.

Smith, O, Momber, G, Bates, R, Garwood, P, Garwood, P, Fitch, S, Pallen, M, Gaffney, V & Allaby, RG 2015, 'Sedimentary DNA from a submerge site reveals wheat in the British Isles 8000 years ago', Science, vol. 347, no. 6225, pp. 998-1001.

Gaffney, V, Gaffney, C, Neubauer, W, Baldwin, E, Chapman, H, Garwood, P, Moulden, H, Sparrow, T, Bates, R, Locker, K, Hinterlietner, A, Trinks, I, Nau, E, Zitz, T, Floery, S, Verhoeven, G & Donneus, M 2012, 'The Stonehenge Hidden landscapes Project', Archaeological Prospection, vol. 19, pp. 147.

Chapter (peer-reviewed)

Garwood, P 2023, Grooved Ware in south-east England: social geographies, chronology and interpretation. in M Copper, A Whittle & A Sheridan (eds), Revisiting Grooved Ware: understanding ceramic trajectories In Britain and Ireland, 3200-2400 cal BC. Neolithic Studies Group Seminar Papers, vol. 20, Oxbow, Oxford, pp. 225-248. <>

Pollard, J, Garwood, P, Parker Pearson, M, Richards, C, Thomas, J & Welham, K 2017, Remembered and imagined belongings: Stonehenge in the age of first metals. in P Bickle, V Cummings, D Hofmann & J Pollard (eds), The Neolithic in Europe: papers in honour of Alasdair Whittle. Oxbow, Oxford, pp. 279-297.

Garwood, P 2016, Social organisation of earlier Neolithic communities. in MJ Allen & D Rudling (eds), Archaeology and Land-use of south-east England to 1066. Oxbow.


Garwood, P, Baldwin, E, Gaffney, V, Gaffney, C, Locker, K, Neubauer, W, Hinterleitner, A, Trinks, I & Wallner, M 2013, Stonehenge Hidden Landscape Project - data acquisition, processing, interpretation. in Archaeological Prospection. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection . pp. 107-109. <>

Garwood, P, Gaffney, V, Gaffney, C, Neubauer, W, Chapman, H, Baldwin, E & Locker, K 2013, Stonehenge Hidden Landscapes Project: Geophysical investigation and landscape mapping of the Stonehenge World Heritage Site. in Archaeological Prospection. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection . pp. 19-23. <>

Garwood, P 2011, Chapter 14 - Ritual, ceremony and cosmology (with Gill Hey and Alistair Barclay). in Thames Through Time: the archaeology of the gravel terraces of the Upper and Middles Thames. Vol.2: Early Prehistory to 1500 BC.


Smith, O, Momber, G, Bates, R, Garwood, P, Fitch, S, Pallen, M, Gaffney, V & Allaby, RG 2015, 'Response to Comment on "Sedimentary DNA from a submerged site reveals wheat in the British Isles 8000 years ago"', Science, vol. 349, no. 6245, pp. 247-247.

Conference contribution

Garwood, P, Ch’ng, E, Gaffney, V, Chapman, H, Bates, R & Neubauer, W 2017, Merging the real with the virtual: crowd behaviour mining with virtual environments. in 2016 22nd InternationalConference on Virtual Systems& Multimedia (VSMM 2016). ACM/IEEE, 2016 22nd International Conference on Virtual System & Multimedia , Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 17/10/16.

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