Professor Dimitris Tziovas

Professor Dimitris Tziovas

Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies
Professor Emeritus of Modern Greek Studies

Contact details

Arts Building
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

I taught at the University of Birmingham for over thirty five years and have supervised many research students. Their research has been disseminated internationally through publication in books or peer-reviewed journals and the standard of my supervision has been recognised by a University Award for Excellence in Doctoral Supervision (2010). In 2022 I received the Grand Greek State Award for my contribution to scholarship. My book Greece from Junta to Crisis: Modernization, Transition and Diversity (Bloomsbury 2021) won the European Society of Modern Greek Studies Book Prize.

One of my aims in teaching and research is to test Lawrence Durrell’s claim that studying Greece and its culture allows you to discover yourself.

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I have served as Director of the Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies at the University of Birmingham (2000-2003), Secretary of the European Association of Modern Greek Studies (1995-1998) and on the editorial board of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies (1995-2009; 2020-; Reviews Editor 1995-2005) and Journal of Modern Greek Studies (U.S.A 1992-2007).

I have taught as a visiting professor at a number of universities in Europe and America and I am currently General Editor of a series devoted to Modern Greek literature in translation. I have also organised four major international conferences in Birmingham (Greek Modernism and Beyond, 1995; Greece and the Balkans 2001; Greek Diaspora and Migration 2007; Reimagining the Past: Greek Antiquity and Modern Greek Culture, 2011) which have led to important publications


My research interests involve the study of Greek Modernism in a comparative context; the reception of Greek antiquity and Byzantium;  the study of Greek fiction informed by recent developments in critical theory; Greek diaspora and travel writing;  nationalism and Greek culture;  the Greek language controversy; and the cultural encounters between Greece and the Balkans.

My broader research interests also include comparative literary studies, critical theory, translation, film, diaspora and cultural studies.

In 2014 I have been awarded an AHRC grant to lead a networking project on ‘The cultural politics of the Greek crisis’ which aimed to stimulate debate among academics, research students, journalists, artists and writers on the implications of the economic crisis for Greek culture and identity and fostered an interdisciplinary dialogue among historians, literature and performing arts scholars, cultural theorists, political scientists and anthropologists on the ways in which economic crises impact on cultural practices and identity constructions.

In 2018 I have been awarded a two-year Leverhulme Trust Research Fellowship, leading to a major publication: Greece from Junta to Crisis: Modernization, Transition and Diversity (Bloomsbury 2021)

Other activities


  • Member of the Birmingham Centre for Translation and B-Film: Birmingham Centre for Film Studies
  • I have acted as external co-supervisor for PhD theses for the Universities of Warwick, Cambridge, Manchester, University College London, and London Consortium.
  • I have organised several annual research colloquia for the Society for Modern Greek Studies which offer research students from all over the UK and other countries the opportunity to present their research.


Recent publications



Tziovas, D 2016, 'Between tradition and appropriation mythical method and politics in the poetry of George Seferis and Yannis Ritsos', Classical Receptions Journal

Chapter (peer-reviewed)

Conference contribution


  • Tziovas, D 2015, Foreword. in Yannis Skarimbas, Mariambas. Birmingham Modern Greek Translations, no. 10, Centre for Byzantine, Ottoman and Modern Greek Studies, pp. vii-x.


Modern Greek literature, culture and history; Greek Diaspora; reception of Greek antiquity