Samantha J. Bracey

School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences
Doctoral Researcher

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School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

PhD Title: The assessment and motivation-related correlates of well-being in children

Supervisors: Professor Joan L Duda and Dr Eleanor Quested

Samantha Bracey is a doctoral researcher, focused on how we can assess and maximize the well-being of young people within sporting contexts, in the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences at the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom.

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BA (Hons) 1st class Sport Studies and Sport Psychology, University of Derby, Buxton, 2009


After finishing her undergraduate degree at the University of Derby, Samantha embarked on postgraduate study at the University of Birmingham. Samantha is currently completing a PhD under the supervision of Professor Joan Duda and Dr Eleanor Quested in the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences. Samantha’s doctoral research is connected with the EC-funded PAPA project ( The overarching aim of the PAPA project is to optimize young people’s positive engagement in grassroots football through the implementation and evaluation of the Empowering Coaching™ programme.


Samantha’s research interests are concerned with the well- and ill-being experiences of children with a particular focus on the implications of youth sport engagement on young people’s welfare. Specifically, she is interested in developmental differences in children and adolescents’ conceptions of well- and ill-being and the relationship with motivational processes and variability in the social environment created by coaches and other significant others in physical activity contexts.

Other activities

  • In June 2011, co-organized a one day national conference focusing on child obesity and children’s healthy engagement in physical activity entitled ‘Healthier Physical Activity for Healthier Kids’. 
  • December 6th -7th, 2010, recipient of the Student Poster Presentation Award at the DSEP BPS conference held in London. 
  • In December 2009, Samantha received the Vice Chancellor’s Prize for Academic Excellence. This prize is awarded annually to the student with the best undergraduate performance in the University of Derby, Buxton.

In her spare time Samantha takes a keen interest in football, both as a spectator and as a youth team football coach. Samantha also enjoys walking (and running) in the hills of the Peak District where she lives.


  • Bracey, S.J., Quested, E., & Duda, J.L. (2011). Children’s conceptualisations of well- and ill-being: Summary of a qualitative inquiry and initial development of a multi-dimensional measure of children’s well- and ill-being. Sport & Exercise Psychology Review, 7 (2), 18-22.
  • Bracey, S.J., Quested, E., & Duda, J.L. (2011, July). Development and initial validation of a psychometric measure of children's well- and ill-being. Paper presented at 16th Annual Congress of the ECSS 6th - 9th July 2011, Liverpool, UK.
  • Bracey, S.J., Quested, E., & Duda, J.L. (2010, December). Children's conceptualisations of well- and ill-being. Poster session presented at the British Psychological Society's Division of Sport and Exercise Psychology biannual conference 8th – 9th December 2010, London, UK.