Mr William Turner MSci

Mr William Turner

School of Mathematics
PhD Student

Contact details

School of Mathematics
Watson Building
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Will Turner is a PhD student of Johannes Carmesin in combinatorics.

Personal website


  • MSci in Mathematics, University of Birmingham


Will started his PhD in Mathematics with the EPSRC CDT Topological Design at the University of Birmingham in September 2022. He is working in the research group headed by Dr Johannes Carmesin, looking to extend the results of planar graph theory to structures of higher dimension.


Research Themes

  • Combinatorics and embeddability
  • Structural graph theory

Research Activity

Will has recently been working on developing a theory of embeddability for temporal sequences of graphs. He is also part of a project concerning the relation between properties of groups and some of the structural properties of their Cayley graphs.