Andrew Jones

Andrew Jones

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Contact details

University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Andrew Jones is undertaking doctoral research into the morphological convergence found between phytosaurs (approx 230-200 million years ago) and a range of modern and fossil crocodilian taxa, often purported to have filled the ecological niche left vacant by the demise of Phytosauria.

He is using a variety of functional, morphological and cladistic techniques to investigate the relationships between phytosaur taxa, and their functional biology to draw inferences regarding their role within the wider ecosystem.

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  • 2014: MSc Palaeobiology (University of Bristol)
  • 2013: BSc Zoology (University of Sheffield)


Andrew completed his Zoology BSc at the University of Sheffield in 2013 before undertaking a Palaeobiology MSc at the University of Bristol where he performed a cranial reconstruction of the Late Triassic pseudosuchian Effigia okeeffeae and studied the function of its feeding anatomy.

Doctoral research

PhD title
Testing hypotheses of deep time functional convergence between phytosaurs and crocodilians



Research group

Geosystems - Palaeobiology

Research interests

  • Convergence in function, particularly of feeding and locomotor anatomy
  • In silico morphological and functional modeling
  • Triassic radiation and extinction of reptile groups