Birmingham Centre for Railway Research and Education

From training engineers to developing world-leading technologies, we collaborate with industry and academia to drive UK and global rail innovation.

UK Rail Research Innovation Network

BCRRE is the lead partner in the £92m UK Rail Research and Innovation Network (UKRRIN), a collaboration between academic centres of excellence and the rail industry


  • BCRRE news

    University senior managers standing outside of the UKRRIN building

    Be the first to find out what we're up to

  • BCRRE blog

    Man and woman sitting at a desk with a BCRRE banner in the background

    Read about what we’ve done and how it started from a variety of people

Nationally recognised Centres of Excellence

Enterprise and innovation

  • BRIC

    Birmingham Rail Innovation Cluster logo

    All innovation needs for SMEs can be found here


    UKRRIN logo

    We are the lead partner for UKRRIN

  • Industry collaborations

    Male researcher operating a train simulator

    We collaborate with companies, trade associations and academic institutions in the UK and internationally

  • Spinouts

    Conference room with large screen television

    Our academic expertise and inventions have gone from leaving the desk, to leaving the lab to entering the market

Facilities and expertise

  • UKRRIN building facility

    UKRRIN building exterior

    A new purpose-built centre delivering specialist research in digital railway engineering

  • Aerodynamics facilities

    Visualisation of a train being assessed for its aerodynamic properties

    Our facilities enable a variety of research and commercial projects

  • RaisE

    Outside shot of RaisE building

    RaisE is an exciting partnership between industry, public sector and academia

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