
Workshop 1: Healthy Ageing and Flourishing in Later Life

12th February 2013

Questions for the Workshop

Morning session: Flourishing in Later Life

Supporting papers submitted to the Commission

Afternoon session: Health in Later Life

Supporting papers submitted to the Commission

Workshop 2: Equality and inclusion: a question of rights and responsibilities

12th April 2013

Questions for Workshop 2

Morning Session

A summary notes of key points from the discussions is available here.

Further related notes and presentations:

Afternoon Session

A summary notes of key points from the discussions is available here.

Further related notes and presentations:

Workshop 3: The role of the physical, social and emotional environment in ensuring healthy ageing in multicultural UK cities

21st May 2013

Questions for Workshop 3

Hosted at the Pannel Croft Village, Newtown, Birmingham, the day explored the multicultural community and physical environment in which people will age over the next 40 years. Ways that a City can promote the wellbeing of elderly resident wereexplored, as were potential barriers or challenges to schemes to promote healthy ageing.

A summary notes of key points from the discussions is available here.

Presentations were delivered by a wide range of experts including:

Commission meeting with the Birmingham Faith Leaders’ Group

  • A summary notes of key points from the discussions is available here
  • Further information from Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha (GNNSJ), a Sikh Faith Based Organisation located the Handsworth area of Birmingham, can be read here.

Birmingham Voices

The Commission spoke to groups of older people from across Birmingham to gain the views of the city’s diverse population. Read an overview of the consultations and their findings here.

Written Evidence

Mr Bob Williams, from Uniitee, presented written evidence to the Commission in the form of a letter written to Norman Lamb MP, describing the concept of Homesharing and how this model aims to improve quality of life in ageing.

  • The paper can be viewed here

The Commission also gratefully received written evidence from Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha (GNNSJ).