Press and media contacts

Working closely with staff and students right across campus, our Media Relations team are your key contacts, whatever the story.
Email us: pressoffice@contacts.bham.ac.uk
Contact the Press Office (including out of hours): +44 (0)121 414 2772
Kathryn Hobbs - Deputy Director of Communications
Telephone: +44 (0)7773 726 976
Email: k.hobbs.1@bham.ac.uk
Danann Swanton - Head of Corporate Communications
Mobile: +44 (0)77966 311 390
Email: d.swanton@bham.ac.uk
Timothy Mayo - Communications Manager (Health, Life and Environmental Sciences)
Mobile: +44 (0)7815 607 157
Email: t.mayo@bham.ac.uk
Tony Moran - Communications Manager (Engineering, Physical Sciences and International)
Mobile: +44 (0)7827 832 312
Email: t.moran@bham.ac.uk
Ellie Hail - Communications Officer (Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences)
Mobile: +44 (0)7966 311 409
Email: e.hail@bham.ac.uk
Public Affairs
For all enquiries, please contact:
Telephone: +44 (0)121 415 8262
Email: publicaffairs@contacts.bham.ac.uk