Dr Marie Falahee BSc PhD CPsychol

Marie Falahee

Department of Inflammation and Ageing
Lecturer in Behavioural Rheumatology

Contact details

Rheumatology Research Group
Department of Inflammation and Ageing
University of Birmingham
Queen Elizabeth Hospital
Birmingham B15 2WB
United Knigdom

Patient perceptions are key predictors of clinical outcomes and health behaviours, and a central focus of Dr Falahee’s research is on understanding the perspectives of individuals with, or at risk of musculoskeletal disorders and the development of psychological and/or educational interventions to improve clinical outcomes or enhance shared decision making.

There is an increasing research interest in the development of predictive biomarkers and preventive strategies for rheumatoid arthritis, and Dr Falahee has a particular interest in the measurement of patient preferences in this context, in order to facilitate the efficient translation of this work and to inform the design of future clinical services that are effective and acceptable to patients and other stakeholders. She is also involved in the development of international evidence-based recommendations on the methodologies used to integrate patient preferences into decision making throughout the lifecycle of medical products as a partner in the European Union Innovative Medicines Initiative funded consortium PREFER.

Dr Falahee is passionate about patient and public involvement in research and as academic coordinator of the Birmingham Rheumatology Research Patient Partnership (R2P2): she facilitates patient involvement across the Rheumatology Research Group, ensuring that our research is informed by patients’ needs, experiences and expectations and is sharply focussed on public benefit.

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 Lecturer in Behavioural Rheumatology:

  • Chartered Member of the British Psychological Society 2017
  • PhD School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, 1997
  • BSc (Hons) Class 1. School of Psychology, University of Birmingham, 1992


2017 - Lecturer, Institute of Inflammation and Ageing, University of Birmingham

2014 - Post-doctoral Researcher, Institute of Inflammation and Ageing, University of Birmingham

2000 - Career Break

1997 - Lecturer in Psychology, Aston University

1995 - Research Fellow, School of Psychology, University of Birmingham

1992 - PhD School of Psychology, University of Birmingham

1989 - BSc University of Birmingham

Postgraduate supervision

Dr Falahee supervises doctoral students in areas related to her research interests and welcomes enquiries from self-funded PhD students with a background in behavioural / social science or medicine who have an interest in behavioural rheumatology. Dr Falahee is currently co-supervising an Arthritis Research UK funded PhD student (Imogen Wells) examining stakeholder perspectives on preventive approaches to rheumatoid arthritis


Dr Falahee is interested in the application of behavioural science to improve outcomes for those affected by musculoskeletal disorders. Specific areas of interest include:

  • Developing programmes to facilitate the implementation of preventive treatments for individuals at risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis
  • Enhancing understanding of patient decision making about treatments or investigation strategies for inflammatory arthritis
  • Enhancing understanding of outcomes that are relevant to patients with inflammatory arthritis
  • Developing approaches to reduce delays in access to care/treatment for patients with rheumatoid arthritis

Other activities

  • Chartered Member of the British Psychological Society
  • Allied Health Professional Member of the British Society for Rheumatology
  • Member of the United Kingdom Society for Behavioural Medicine
  • Member of the EULAR Study Group for Risk Factors for RA
  • Member of the EULAR PARE Study Group for Collaborative Research


Recent publications


Cope, A, Jasenecova, M, Vasconcelos, J, Filer, A, Raza, K, Qureshi, S, D'Agostino, M-A, McInnes, IB, Isaacs, J, Pratt, AG, Fisher, B, Buckley, CD, Emery, P, Ho, P, Buch, MH, Ciurtin, C, van Schaardenburg, D, Huizinga, TWJ, Toes, R, Georgiou, E, Kelly, J, Murphy, CL, Prevost, AT & APIPPRA Study Investigators 2024, 'Abatacept in individuals at high risk of rheumatoid arthritis (APIPPRA): a randomised, double-blind, multicentre, parallel, placebo-controlled, phase 2b clinical trial', The Lancet. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(23)02649-1

DiSantostefano, RL, Simons, G, Englbrecht, M, Humphreys, JH, Bruce, IN, Bywall, KS, Radawski, C, Raza, K, Falahee, M & Veldwijk, J 2024, 'Can the General Public Be a Proxy for an “At-Risk” Group in a Patient Preference Study? A Disease Prevention Example in Rheumatoid Arthritis', Medical Decision Making, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 189-202. https://doi.org/10.1177/0272989x231218265

van Steenbergen, HW, Doornkamp, F, Alivernini, S, Backlund, J, Codreanu, C, Cohen, SB, Combe, B, Cope, AP, Deane, KD, England, B, Falahee, M, de Jong, PHP, Kleyer, A, Lacaille, D, Maat, B, Mankia, K, van Mulligen, E, Nagy, G, O'Neill, LJ, Rodamaker, L, Sahbudin, I, van Schaardenburg, D, Sepriano, A, da Silva, JAP, de Smet, L, Sparks, JA, Steyerberg, EW, Studenic, P, Wethingtone, E, Landewe, RL, Raza, K & van der Helm-van Mil, AHM 2024, 'EULAR/ACR risk stratification criteria for development of rheumatoid arthritis in the risk stage of arthralgia', Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.

de Wit, M, Aouad, K, Elhai, M, Benavent, D, Bertheussen, H, Blackburn, S, Bőhm, P, Duarte, C, Falahee, M, Karlfeldt, S, Kiltz, U, Mateus, E, Richards, DP, Rodríguez-Carrio, J, Sagen, J, Shumnalieva, R, Stones, S, Tas, SW, Tillett, W, Viera, A, Wilhelmer, TC, Zabalan, C, Primdahl, J, Studenic, P & Gossec, L 2024, 'EULAR recommendations for the involvement of patient research partners in rheumatology research: 2023 update', Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, vol. 83, no. 11, pp. 1443-1453. https://doi.org/10.1136/ard-2024-225566

Simons, G, Jones, H, Clarke, I, Davies, F, Grealis, S, Insch, E, Kahn, H, Lloyd, J, Richards, A, Rose, H, Williams, R, de Wit, M, Woodcock, C, Romaniuk, L, Bardgett, M, Pratt, AG & Falahee, M 2024, 'Patient and public involvement in the design of an international clinical trial: real world experience', Research Involvement and Engagement, vol. 10, no. 1, 117. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40900-024-00642-7

Saadat, P, Bansback, N, Falahee, M, Hiligsmann, M, Tugwell, P, Buchbinder, R, Whittle, S, Richards, DP, Proulx, L, Schunemann, H, Alonso Coello, P, Nieuwlaat, R, Wiercioch, W, Kuper, S, Pardo Pardo, J & Hazlewood, GS 2024, 'Patient preferences for drug therapy in inflammatory arthritis: protocol for a living systematic review and evidence map to inform clinical practice guidelines', BMJ open.

Torlinska, B, Raza, K, Filer, A, Jutley, G, Sahbudin, I, Singh, R, De Pablo, P, Rankin, E, Rhodes, B, Amft, EN, Justice, E, McGrath, C, Baskar, S, Trickey, J, Calvert, M & Falahee, M 2024, 'Predictors of quality of life, functional status, depression and fatigue in early arthritis: Comparison between clinically suspect arthralgia, unclassified arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis', BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, vol. 25, no. 1, 307. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12891-024-07446-6

D'Elia, A, Baranskaya, A, Haroon, S, Hammond, B, Adderley, N, Nirantharakumar, K, Chandan, J, Falahee, M & Raza, K 2024, 'Prodromal symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis in a primary care database: variation by ethnicity and socioeconomic status', Rheumatology. https://doi.org/10.1093/rheumatology/keae157

Veldwijk, J, DiSantostefano, RL, Janssen, E, Simons, G, Englbrecht, M, Karin, SB, Radawski, C, Raza, K, Hauber, B & Falahee, M 2023, 'Maximum Acceptable Risk Estimation based on a Discrete Choice Experiment and Probabilistic Threshold Technique', Patient. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40271-023-00643-w

Smith, M, Janssens, R, Jiminez-Moreno, AC, Cleemput, I, Muller, M, Oliveri, S, Simons, G, Strammiello, V, Huys, I & Falahee, M 2023, 'Patients as research partners in preference studies: Learnings from IMI-PREFER', Research Involvement & Engagement, vol. 9, no. 1, 21. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40900-023-00430-9

Wells, I, Zemedikun, D, Simons, G, Stack, R, Mallen, CD, Raza, K & Falahee, M 2023, 'Predictors of the likelihood that patients with rheumatoid arthritis will communicate information about rheumatoid arthritis risk to relatives: a quantitative assessment', Patient Education and Counseling, vol. 112, 107713. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pec.2023.107713

Simons, G, Veldwijk, J, DiSantostefano, R, Englbrecht, M, Radawski, C, Karin, SB, Valor Mendez, L, Hauber, B, Raza, K & Falahee, M 2023, 'Preferences for preventive treatments for rheumatoid arthritis: discrete choice survey in the United Kingdom, Germany, and Romania', Rheumatology, vol. 62, no. 2, keac397, pp. 596–605. https://doi.org/10.1093/rheumatology/keac397

DiSantostefano, RL, Smith, IP, Falahee, M, Jiminez-Moreno, AC, Oliveri, S, Veldwijk, J, de Wit, GA, Janssen, E, Berlin, C & Groothuis-Oudshoorn , CGM 2023, 'Research Priorities to Increase Confidence in and Acceptance of Health Preference Research: What questions should be prioritized now?', The Patient - Patient-Centred Outcomes Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40271-023-00650-x

Wells, I, Simons, G, Kanacherril, JP, Mallen, CD, Raza, K & Falahee, M 2023, 'Stakeholder perceptions of preventive approaches to rheumatoid arthritis: qualitative study of healthcare professionals’ perspectives on predictive and preventive strategies', BMC Rheumatology, vol. 7, no. 1, 35. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41927-023-00361-8

Simons, G, Birch, R, Stocks, J, Insch, E, Rijckborst, R, Neag, G, McColm, H, Romaniuk, L, Wright, C, Phillips, BE, Jones, SW, Pratt, AG, Siebert, S, Raza, K & Falahee, M 2023, 'The student patient alliance: development and formative evaluation of an initiative to support collaborations between patient and public involvement partners and doctoral students', BMC Rheumatology, vol. 7, no. 1, 36. https://doi.org/10.1186/s41927-023-00359-2

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