Birmingham Rheumatology Research Patient Partnership (R2P2)

R2P2 group

We believe that patients should have a say in research that is potentially for their benefit.

The Birmingham Rheumatology Research Patient Partnership (R2P2) is a group of patients who are actively involved in the work of the Rheumatology Research Group in the Department of Inflammation and Ageing, University of Birmingham. R2P2 members advise our researchers about what research we should do, how we should go about it and how we can share it with the public.

Below you will find links to relevant information about R2P2 and the work that R2P2 contributes to. If you are interested in joining and becoming a patient research partner, please contact Becky Birch.

An interview with an R2P2 patient research partner, talking about her experiences of being involved with rheumatology research

Find out more about the Birmingham Rheumatology Research Patient Partnership

Latest news and updates

Equal Partners in Global Research: Dr. Marie Falahee & Eva C. Johansson Share Their Stories

Dr Marie Falahee and patient research partner Eva C. Johansson were invited to talk about their experiences of successful research collaboration as part of a suite of training materials for patient research partners, developed by the Swedish Rheumatism Association. They have worked together over the last ten years on several international research projects and discovered together the value of meaningful patient involvement in research.

Training materials for patient research partners developed by the Swedish Rheumatism Association


R2P2 Patient Partner contributes to latest published abstract on unlocking new treatments for bone diseases

Elspeth Insch, our R2P2 patient research partner, contributed to writing a lay abstract for our latest publication on 'Unlocking new treatments for bone diseases: using PEPITEM to strengthen bones and prevent loss'. 

Now available to read online via Atlas of Science!

Read the lay abstract online


Rheumatology Research Group Brochure

RRG reportSome of our patient research partners have worked with us to produce a new brochure describing the Rheumatology Research Group at the University of Birmingham - the brochure is available to download here.

The brochure is designed to share our research activities with the wider public and promote our patient partnership. Hopefully this will encourage people who are interested in our research to join R2P2! Please share with all who might be interested. If you would like a printed copy, please contact Becky Birch at

See past news and updates.

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